Online Rock Salt helps Santa with elf and safety

This is the busiest time of the year for many sectors. Retail, food and drink and rock salt providers are some of the busiest traders at Christmas time.
However, one man is busier than everyone else as this time of year - Father Christmas. At this time of year he will be busy making last minute preparations, feeding the reindeer, checking the list twice, and so on. If Santa had thought ahead, however, he could have made the job infinitely easier if he had thought to buy some rock salt and white de-icing salt.
It is a well-known fact that Father Christmas lives in the most northerly climes in the world. Snow is inevitable at the North Pole, and no doubt Santa and his elves are well-used to treading through the snow. Reindeer are also specially adapted to life in the Arctic environment, so can cope well in festive stables.
As a responsible employer, however, Santa has a duty of care to all the employees and animals he keeps on site, and the busy winter season is no reason to slack on these duties. Constant to-ing and fro-ing from workshop to sleigh can easily result in a trip or fall in the ice, and rock salt would help create a better grip underfoot for the elves, leading to a safer working environment. This would also have the side benefit of decreasing Santa’s chances of being embroiled in ‘no-win, no-fee’ accident and injury claims. The most suitable product for Santa to use on this occasion would be rock salt, as it is clearly visible in deep snow and is most suitable for use in industrial areas. It also adds an extra grippiness for those last-minute dashes on Christmas Eve.
Father Christmas visits the whole world on Christmas Eve. Many countries, of course, have no snow or ice during the festive season. For those countries that do, it might be wise for Father Christmas to pack some of our handy large packs or new 10kg bags of white de-icing salt into the sleigh. As the sleigh has, roughly speaking, the capacity of a TARDIS in terms of amount of presents to external size ratio, there is no reason that the salt wouldn’t pack snugly between layers of teddies and Lego. The white de-icing salt leaves no residue, making it perfect for Santa to sprinkle on a steep rooftop to increase friction for the safety of both the reindeer and the sleigh. This means that Father Christmas can increase his efficiency - all the better to increase time at his party with the snowmen in the North Pole.
It is traditional to leave sherry and mince pies for Santa over Christmas Eve. As Santa is an anthromorphic personification of Saint Nicholas and the spirit of Christmas, he can naturally drink significantly more than a mortal man. However, we all have our limits and making the ground (and rooftops) safe from slips and falls will only help Santa escape another Christmas injury-free.
The advice to Father Christmas can be applied to any business over the festive season. Don’t neglect ‘elf and safety’ over Christmas, and remember to be prepared for what may well be a chilly January.
From everyone at Online Rock Salt, we wish you a very merry and safe Christmas, and a wonderful new year. We are still trading over the festive period, and the office will be open 28th, 29th and 30th December, with a full re-opening on 3rd January 2012.