Schools & Universities

If you are a school, college, or other public sector organisation, ordering your winter supplies from Online Rock Salt couldn’t be easier. Health and safety is an important aspect of any organisation but we can help you be prepared for the winter’s snow and ice.
We can set you up with an immediate account, just send across a purchase order and we’ll do the rest. We currently supply many schools across the country and they benefit from quick delivery and efficient service. We have a range of different pack sizes to choose from in both our brown rock salt and white de-icing salt ranges. This includes 10kg, 25kg and bulk bags. We can also supply our convenient grit bin packs. This includes either a 200 or 400 litre lockable grit bin, and the correct amount of salt to fill it.
If you’re not sure what product or quantity will be best for your organisation, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to advise you on your winter plans.
To create your immediate account, email or fax your purchase order to us. We’ll then process and confirm the order and delivery date. If you’d prefer to pay by card give us a call on the number below. After the salt has been dispatched we’ll then email you the invoice. if you don’t have a purchase order facility available, you can still set up an account with us, just download our order form below and send that across instead.
Phone: 01695 425 038